RSTEM Board Meeting March 12, 2025 at 8:00 am Board meeting to be held on campus and is open to the public. Please view our agenda on the homepage under "about" and governing board.
ADHD videos for families If you are a parent with a child who suffers from ADHD, the link below is highly recommended to better understand this condition. The presenter, Dr. Russell Barkley, is a renowned expert on the subject.
Mandatory Website Documents A list of all mandatory website links can be found below. Examples include the COVID-19 Operations Report, Board Agendas, EPA Spending Plan, Title IX, Bullying Policy, the El Dorado Charter SELPA local plan, etc.
Does Going to College Really Pay Off In This Economy? Yes! Click The Link for more. A new study shows college graduates have fared much better in the economic recovery than those without a degree. The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce reports that nearly all of the jobs recovered since the economic downturn have required a post-secondary degree. And despite the struggles of many recent graduates, workers with college degrees still enjoy a substantial wage benefit over those with only a high school education.
NPR Report: The Value of a College Education A great quote, "The only thing more expensive than going to college is not going to college." Listen to this piece to learn more about the value of a college education.
Immunization Information Reminder: By law, all students entering 7th-12th Grade must have a Tdap booster. Questions? call 275-5480